Enter the Dragon is a martial arts film directed by Robert Clouse and released in 1973, starring the legendary Bruce Lee. The film is widely regarded as a masterpiece of the genre and has had a significant impact on both the entertainment industry and the world of martial arts. It’s hard to believe that we’re marking the 50th anniversary this year!
The plot of the film revolves around Lee’s character, a martial arts expert named Lee, who is recruited by a British intelligence agency to investigate a crime lord operating from a remote island. Along with two other martial artists, Lee infiltrates the island and engages in a series of brutal fights against the crime lord’s minions.
One of the most striking aspects of Enter the Dragon is the quality of the fight scenes. Bruce Lee’s fighting style, a blend of various martial arts, is showcased in all its glory, and the choreography of the fight scenes is both thrilling and visually stunning. The film’s climax, a showdown between Lee and the crime lord’s top henchman, is a masterclass in martial arts cinema, and it’s not hard to see why it has become such an iconic scene.
Here’s an official trailer from 1973:
Enter the Dragon was a critical and commercial success upon its release, and it has since become one of the most influential martial arts films of all time. The film’s impact on the entertainment industry is undeniable, and it helped to popularize martial arts films in the West. Enter the Dragon paved the way for many other successful martial arts films, including Jackie Chan’s Drunken Master and Jet Li’s Fist of Legend.
But Enter the Dragon‘s impact was not limited to the entertainment industry. The film also had a significant impact on the world of martial arts. Bruce Lee was already a highly respected martial artist before the film’s release, but Enter the Dragon helped to solidify his status as a martial arts icon. The film inspired many people to take up martial arts, and it helped to popularize martial arts training in the West. I should know, because it had a major impact in feeding my own interest in the martial arts. Today, Bruce Lee’s legacy continues to inspire martial artists around the world. What a tragedy that Bruce passed away in 1973; what would we have seen from him had he not passed?
In conclusion, Enter the Dragon is a masterpiece of the martial arts genre, and it has had a significant impact on both the entertainment industry and the world of martial arts. Bruce Lee’s legacy continues to inspire generations of martial artists, and his influence can be seen in countless martial arts films that have followed in the wake of Enter the Dragon.
The 40th anniversary edition of the film may be found in various digital or physical formats on Amazon: